This month I am writing about Purpose. What is our Purpose as individuals and as a soul collective? I have many questions myself around this topic and what I offer you with this article are questions for you to explore for yourself. I dont have the answers as I too am still exploring this. I hope that this brings you peace, clarity and a sense of knowing of who you are and your purpose. If you don't know your purpose, this is ok. The joy is in the discovery and the experiences you have along the way. Enjoy the exploration.
Purpose! What is your Purpose? How many times I have heard this asked. How many times have I asked myself what my purpose is?
Why am I here?
What am I here to do?
Who am I here to be?
Have you asked yourself this? I am sure you have. Did you come up with an answer? Did you come up with what your purpose is? I truly hope you did and that you are living and loving what your purpose is and being that in the world. If you haven't come up with an answer, this is ok. I know I haven't really come up with an answer. Sometimes I think I have and then nope, it's not that. Is our purpose even tangible? Is it an actual thing we do, or teach, or share or what else? It could be doing and being who you are right now?
I've been asking this question of myself for as long as I can remember and I am still asking. In discussions with people when this question has been asked there has been varied responses like; we are here to be happy, to experience all that life has to offer, to teach, to share our gift (if we even know what that is), to make this world a better place or to evolve spiritually. I'm sure there are many other reasons as to what our purpose is and why we are here. Is our purpose different from others or is there a fundamental underlying purpose that is the same for us all? Is it to all evolve spiritually to create a better life for all? What does that even look like?
I find it interesting when connecting with the energy of purpose and what that could be. For me it feels like whatever the purpose is, that it is just beyond the reach of my current awareness. Just sitting there on the sidelines waiting for me to connect and allow it in. I have had many experiences in life, shared lots with people who have come into my world and I can see the change that has taken place for them and me from this interaction. Am I already being and living my purpose?
Is this my purpose? To open up possibilities for people to look deeper within and connect to themselves to choose more, to choose differently? Possibly. How does this look?
Am I making it more complex than is needed? Possibly.
Where have you done this in your life? Where have you questioned your purpose in life? Is what you are doing right now your purpose? Does it bring you joy? Does it give you energy and light? Do you wake up and feel a deep inner contentment of gratitude for you and your purpose? Are you one with your purpose or is it outside of you?
What if our purpose was to create more connection and kindness in the world? This starts with you. Where are you being this?
What if our purpose was to gain a deeper understanding and knowing of who we are?
What if our purpose was to do the job we are doing that creates a better world or makes life easier for another?
What if our purpose was ? You fill in this.
What I do know is that each one of us has a gift to offer. A purpose if you like for being here in the world right now. It could be in the smile you give another that can change their day, a kind word, taking action towards achieving a goal, anything. Any of this can be our purpose. I guess it's all about our perception of what purpose is and how significant we wish to make it?
Live your best life. Make choices that feel good for you.
If you are wanting to make changes and not sure how to go about it or where to start. I do one on one sessions with clients either face to face or via zoom. With Love and Gratitude Jacq xx